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Nyaya Panchayats can be described as village courts. It works on principles of natural justice and tends to remain procedurally as simple as possible. It helps in

settlement of disputes at the local level, thus speeding up of justice and decongesting mainstream courts.

Structure of Nyaya Panchayats:

o Nyaya Panchayats are constituted for every Village Panchayat area or a group of Village Panchayat areas depending on the population and area

o Nyaya Panchayats consist of five Panchas who are elected by the voters enrolled in the voter’s list of that Village Panchayat or group of Village panchayats

o Every Panch holds the office of Nyaya Pramukh for a period of one year by rotation on the basis of seniority by age.

Functions of Nyaya Panchayats

o To provide speedy and cheap disposal of cases.

o To bring justice nearer to the grass root levels without involving the expenditure which would otherwise have to be incurred in establishing regular courts.

o To dispose of a large number of cases and thus relieve the burden of regular courts.

o To succeed in getting a large number of cases compromised through peaceful conciliation.

o To provide better chances of conciliatory method of approach.

Though Nyaya Panchayats do not exist throughout the country, but its positives in various states can be taken up as:

o To a large extent, they have justified their existence.

o They have brought justice to the very doorsteps of villagers –which is cheap, speedy and free from procedural techniques.

o They have helped the partiesin reaching compromise which reduced burden of the regular courts.

Yet it also suffers from limitations and defects:

o The big land holders, casteism, social and religious taboos continue to play a major role in influencing the Nyaya Panchayats.

o Low budget reduces Nyaya Panchayats activities considerably.

o Fear of official favouritism and factionalism

o Low educational level of Panchs makes it difficult to handle Nyaya Panchayat operations.