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1. Position of the Prime Minister

PM is the captain of the ship of the state.

PM is the head of the Cabinet.

The party of the PM enjoys majority in the House.

He/She is the connecting link between the King and the Cabinet as well as the King and the Parliament.

The life of the House depends on the PM as he/she may advice the dissolution of the House.

The other Ministers are appointed on the advice of the PM

The term of the other Ministers also depends on the PM

2. The P.M. as first among equals: this is also called as Primus Inter Pares or Inter Stella Luna Minores. This explains the PM’s position w.r.t. other ministers. In the cabinet system, there is a principle of collective responsibility; hence other ministers are also important but PM remains a 'key stone of the cabinet arch'.

The relative position of the PM and other ministers in a Parliamentary system can be compared to the relative position of the President and his/her secretaries in the Presidential system.

In the Presidential system, members of the Cabinet are chosen by the President. In USA, spoils system exists. The Secretaries are not members of the Congress.

In the Parliamentary system, ministers are also the members of either House. The PM cannot treat them as his/her subordinates. Theoretically, the PM should consider him/herself as only first among equals, must give due respect to other members of the Cabinet and should take decisions in consultation with them.

However, the P.M. is first because:

He/She is the one who is appointed first, since he/she is the leader of the House of Commons.

Other ministers are appointed on his/her advice.

Other ministers can be removed on his/her advice.


PM as moon among stars:Difference between the British and Indian PM