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Issues related to the dissolution powers of the governors:

Lack of Objective Criteria for untimely dissolution: While Article 174 gives powers to the governor to dissolve the assembly, but the Constitution is silent on as to when and under what circumstances can the House can be dissolved.

Politically motivated: Potential for political instability in the future being cited as a reason in J&K to prevent emerging alliances is undemocratic in nature. escribing an alliance as opportunistic is fine as far as it is political opinion but it canno be the basis for constitutional action.

Lack of political neutrality: The post has been reduced to becoming a retirement package for politicians for being political faithful to the government of the day. Consequently, the office has been used by various governments at the centre as a political tool to destabilise elected state governments. Bihar State Assembly was dissolved by the governor in 2005 on apprehensions of “horse trading. Later the Supreme Court called the decision to be illegal and mala fide.