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Position of the RS vis-à-vis State Legislative Councils (SLCs):

RS and SLCs are upper houses in the Parliament and State Legislatures respectively. However, RS is a permanent entity while SLCs are optional entities that can be abolished.

The RS consists of state representatives and maintains federal equilibrium. The issue of federal significance does not arise in the case of the SLCs.

SLCs act as dilatory chambers as they can only delay an ordinary bill for maximum four months. The RS has equal power with the LS regarding ordinary bills. Both RS and SLC can delay money bill by 14 days.

The RS enjoys special power under Articles 299 and 312 that is not available to the SLCs.


10. It has been argued that over the years there has been a steady decline in the efficacy of Parliament as an institution of accountability. Analyse and also suggest appropriate measures to address the relevant concerns.Answer: