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Improving overall effectiveness:

Function throughout the year and in a way so as to compensate for Parliamentary time crunch. It makes parliamentary control over executive much more detailed, close, continuous, in-depth and comprehensive.

Usually invites experts while scrutinising Bills.

Devoid of any political positioning/populist opinion.

Mandatory scrutiny of bills by committees ensures better planning of legislative business. For example, DRSC on Commerce provided useful insights for ‘ease of doing business’.

Each DRSC focuses on a set of ministries and, therefore, helps its members build sector knowledge.

However, DRSCs don’t have dedicated subject-wise research support. Also, there are issues relating to the transparency (Committees meet behind closed doors and only the final report is published). Important Constitution Amendment bill to enable the GST was passed by Lok Sabha without reference to the DRSC.

It is important to further strengthen the ability of DRSCs to undertake detailed scrutiny of legislative issues. Reforms would inter-alia include mandatory examination of all Bills, creating research teams, and improving the transparency of input/evidence/ submissions to the DRSCs.


9. The Rajya Sabha is merely a secondary house rather than a second house in the Indian Parliamentary system. Critically analyze the statement. Also, compare and contrast the position of the Rajya Sabha vis-à-vis the State legislative councils.Answer: