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The primary function of legislatures is to make laws for its people. In Indian Parliament, a definite procedure is followed in the process of making law. For Ordinary bill, the process of legislation involves the following five stages:

1. First Reading: The ordinary bill can be introduced in either house by a minister/other member. Upon grant of leave by house, the member reads the title and objectives, but no discussion happens on this bill at this stage. Following this, bill is published in gazette.

2. Second Reading: At this stage, the detailed scrutiny of bill happens and the bill takes the full shape. It has 3 sub stages:

Stage of general discussion

Committee stage

Consideration stage

Clause by clause scrutiny of the bill is carried out, clauses voted upon and amendments moved.

3. Third Reading: No amendments are allowed anymore and either bill is completely accepted or rejected. If majority accepts, it is passed and transmitted to second house.

4. In Second house: Bill goes through all 3 stages and may be:


passed with amendments


no action up to 6 months

5. Provision of joint sitting: In case of deadlock between the house over passing of bill emerges, the President can summon a joint sitting of Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha. The members of both houses vote jointly and the bill passes by simple majority.

6. Assent of President: After the bill is passed from both the houses, it is presented to the office of President for assent. The President can exercise any of the following options:


Withhold assent

Return bill for reconsideration

If assent is given, it becomes an act and is placed on statute book.