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1. Structure of Parliament

The Parliament of India consists of three parts:

i. The President of India

ii. Upper House or the Council of States or ‘Rajya Sabha’ (Second Chamber or House of Elders)

iii. Lower House or the House of the People or ‘Lok Sabha’ (First Chamber or Popular House)


1.1. President as a part of Parliament1.2. Rajya Sabha: Composition ♤ Nomination ♤ Representation of States ♤ Representation of Union Territories (UTs)1.3. Lok Sabha: Compositioni. Representation of Statesii. Representation of UTsiii. Nominated MembersPrelims questions 2003Ans: (c) ♤ Readjustment after each Census ♤ Reservation of seats for SCs and STs2.2. Rajya SabhaWhy proportional representation was not adopted for Lok Sabha?