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Our constitution states that Governor is to be appointed by the President of India on the advice of council of ministers according to Article 155. There is no procedure for impeachment of Governor, he shall hold office as per the pleasure of the President. But he can be removed by the President on the grounds of grave delinquency like bribery etc.

In our country, it has become a tradition that whenever there is change of guard at the centre, State governors are removed or appointed as per the convenience of the center.

Recently also it has led to many controversies when current government asked some state governors to resign immediately.

The Chief Justice K. G. Balakrishnan, in 2010 emphasized that no Governor can be removed on basis of being "out of sync with policies and ideologies of Union Govt. at centre”. This decision also states that governors can be removed, but there must be "compelling" reasons for doing so. This judgment also provided an exception that the government can initiate the process of removal of the Governor by first building a case file citing reasons for the removal of the Governor. Principle of natural justice must be followed, Governor must be given a chance to explain his position.

The Sarkaria Commission on Centre-State relations suggested :

that a Governor should be someone eminent in some walk of life,

one “not too intimately connected with the local politics of the State,” and

should not be one “who has taken too great a part in politics generally, and particularly in the recent past.” It suggested that a politician from the ruling party at the Centre should not be appointed Governor of a State run by another party.

If only these norms are followed in practice, the need to ease out inconvenient Governors will not arise.

Puncchi Commission also emphasised for including specific procedure for appointment/removal of governor in the constitution itself.

So, it is right time to change the current practice of appointment and removal of Governors according to the SC decision and Sarkaria Commission recommendations.