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Deputy Chairman of Council

Like the Chairman, the Deputy Chairman is also elected by the council itself from amongst its members.

The deputy chairman vacates his office in any of the following three cases:

1. if he ceases to be a member of the council;

2. if he resigns by writing to the Chairman; and

3. if he is removed by a resolution passed by a majority of all the then members of the council. Such a resolution can be moved only after giving 14 days advance notice.

The Deputy Chairman performs the duties of the Chairman’s office when it is vacant. He also acts as the Chairman when the latter is absent from the sitting of the council. In both the cases, he has all the powers of the Chairman.

The Chairman nominates from amongst the members a panel of vice-chairman. Any one of them can preside over the council in the absence of the Chairman or the Deputy Chairman. He has the same powers as the chairman when so presiding. He holds office until a new panel of vice-chairman is nominated.