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1. India and the European Union

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1.1. The European Union (EU)1.1.1. Institutional SetupEU's unique institutional set-up includes:♤ European Parliament: directly elected Members of European Parliament (MEPs) representIn principle, the Commission proposes new laws, and the Parliament and Council adopt them. The Commission and the member countries then implement them, and the Commission ensures that the laws are properly applied and implemented.1.2. The European Union: Evolution♤ The Treaty of Lisbon is ratified by all EU countries before entering into force in 2009. It1.3. The European Union: A Unique Identity♤ Although the EU is not a federation in the strict sense, it is far more than a free-trade association such as ASEAN, NAFTA, or Mercosur,♤ In view of its achievements, the European Union is awarded the Nobel Peace Prize In 2012.