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In view of its achievements, the European Union is awarded the Nobel Peace Prize In 2012.

1.4. Recent Developments and Issues for Europe

Brexit: In the European elections are held in 2014 and more Eurosceptics, those doubting the efficacy of EU, were elected into the European Parliament. Questions on the EUs efficacy are also raised by the Brexit, wherein frustration with EU bureaucracy combined with immigration issues led the UK to vote for an exit from the European Union in 2016. The exit negotiations will be difficult and potentially divisive, but are far less important than the negotiations on establishing a new formal relationship between the UK and the EU.

Russia: A new security policy was established in the wake of the annexation of Crimea by Russia in 2014. However, Europe depends on Russia's gas exports, which rose in recent years, despite rising competition and concerns about the country’s dominance of supply. State-run Gazprom, the world’s largest gas producer, has a monopoly over Russia’s network of pipelines to Europe and supplies close to 40 per cent of Europe’s gas. But it has been forced to lower its prices in recent years to protect its market share in the face of moves by EU member states to buy more gas from the US, Qatar and other producers.

Refugees: Regional instability in the Middle East and various countries and regions around the world, leading to unrest and wars has resultedt in many people fleeing their homes and seeking refuge in Europe. The 2015 refugee crisis abated after the EU-Turkey migration deal and the closure of the Balkan route in the spring of 2016. The total number of migrants reaching Europe by two main sea routes in 2016 fell by nearly two-thirds, to 364,000 in comparison with 2015. However, the EU needs to work on a comprehensive response to the refugee crisis that can ensure internal cohesion, in view of strong views within the members and the rise of anti immigration sentiments, as well as protect its claims of being a normative power.

Climate change is still high on the agenda and leaders agree to reduce harmful emissions. However, it has to manage allies such as the US which has pulled out of the Paris agreement as well as developing countries that have demanded better performance on technology and funding.

Terrorism: In recent time various European countries such as France and Germany have been target of several terrorist attacks. It is an issue that needs a EU response in view of the open borders within Europe.

Trade and Protectionism: Much of EUs success has based on its open economy and free trade. The recent move by the United States to rase tariffs gives rise to the spectre of protectionism. EU would need to play a key role in upholding a rules based order fro global trade.