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1.10. Multilateral Engagement

Being significant international actors in their own right, India and China interact at various multilateral forums on multiple issues. There are many instances of cooperation but also a few key issues of difference in this context.

Anti-Piracy operations: in Gulf of Aden and horn of Africa naval coordination between India and China.

BCIM corridor: Both countries have been engaging in dialogue on promoting regional connectivity through the Bangladesh-China-India-Myanmar (BCIM) Economic Corridor

BRICS: Multilateral Cooperation on the issues of common concerns is promoted at this forum which also includes Russia, Brazil and South Africa e.g. the NDB as alternative to the Brettonwoods institutions


♤ BASIC: bloc of four large newly industrialized countries – Brazil, South Africa, India and China – formed by an agreement on 28 November 2009. The four committed to act jointly at the Copenhagen climate summit.♤ G-20: Both the nations are member of this grouping of developed and emerging economies for deliberating of global economic issues.♤ These developments have given a clear indication that India and China are prepared to work together in their common peripheries.Map4.6-The BCIM Corridor