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G-20: Both the nations are member of this grouping of developed and emerging economies for deliberating of global economic issues.

United Nations: The China being a permanent member of UNSC is important for India achieving its aims such as UNSC reforms and action agains terrorism. However, in recent times Chinese attitude towards India’s candidature and UNSC reforms has been ambiguous. It has also been blocking India’s reqaues at the 1267 committee to consider banning of Masood Azhar, the head of the Jaish-e-Mohammed,

OBOR/BRI: The Chinese connectivity initiative was not joined by India which remains sceptical about the aims and methods of the initiative.

NSG: China has been blocking India’s entry into the Nuclear Suppliers Group. It has reiterated that India’s inclusion in the Nuclear Suppliers Group is contingent upon the country signing the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty.

1.10.1 The BCIM Corridor

One of the key policy initiatives among national governments in Asia in recent years is directed towards developing sub-regional, regional and trans-regional corridors with the aim to further connect and integrate their economies.

One such corridor is the proposed Bangladesh, China, India and Myanmar-Economic Corridor (BCIM-EC) involving four nations and has generated much interests as well as concerns.

Conceived as a sub-regional economic cooperation, BCIM initiative was launched in 1999 in Kunming, the capital of Chinese Yunnan province.

Two prominent objectives had driven the BCIM- one is economic integration of the sub- region that would also enable integration of Asia and the other is development of the border regions. The BCIM priority agenda has evolved over time. From the 3-T’s of Trade, Transport, and Tourism, the BCIM priority agenda has moved to TTE (Trade, Transport, and Energy).

The year 2013 was crucial in the development of BCIM initiative. In February that year a car rally from Kunming to Kolkata (K2K) was organised with great success.The idea was first mooted in 2006 by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh during Chinese President Hu Jintao’s visit to New Delhi.In October 2013, during Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh’s visit to China, Kolkata and Kunming as sister-cities was unveiled.

India and China have a Joint Study Group on BCIM Economic Corridor. The first meeting of the study was held in December 2013 in Kunming officially set the mechanism to promote cooperation.