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Pitt’s India Act of 1784

The Pitt’s India Act gave the British government a large measure of control over the Company’s affairs. In fact, the Company became a subordinate department of the State. The Company’s territories in India were termed ‘British possessions’.

The government’s control over the Company’s affairs was greatly extended. A Board of Control consisting of the chancellor of exchequer, a secretary of state and four members of the Privy Council (to be appointed by the Crown) were to exercise control over the Company’s civil, military

and revenue affairs. All dispatches were to be approved by the board. Thus a dual system of control was set up.

In India, the governor-general was to have a council of three (including the commander-in-chief), and the presidencies of Bombay and Madras were made subordinate to the governor-general.

A general prohibition was placed on aggressive wars and treaties (breached often).