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Three Upsurges—Winter of 1945-46

The nationalist sentiment which reached a crescendo around the INA trials developed into violent confrontations with the authority in the winter of 1945-46. There were three major upsurges—

1. November 21, 1945—in Calcutta over the INA trials.

2. February 11, 1946—in Calcutta against the seven- year sentence to INA officer Rashid Ali.

3. February 18, 1946—in Bombay, strike by the Royal Indian Navy ratings.


Three-Stage PatternStage I. When a Group Defies Authority and is RepressedStage II. When the City People Join InStage III. When People in Other Parts of the Country Express Sympathy and SolidarityEvaluation of Potential and Impact of the Three UpsurgesCongress Strategy