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Gandhi’s General Instructions to Different Sections

Gandhi’s special instructions were spelt out at the Gowalia Tank meeting but not actually issued. They were directed at various sections of society.

Government servants: Do not resign but declare your allegiance to the Congress.

Soldiers: Do not leave the Army but do not fire on compatriots.

Students: If confident, leave studies.

Peasants: If zamindars are anti-government, pay mutually agreed rent, and if zamindars are pro-government, do not pay rent.

Princes: Support the masses and accept sovereignty of your people.

Princely states’ people: Support the ruler only if he is anti-government and declare yourselves to be a part of the Indian nation.

Gandhi followed up with the now-famous exhortation: “Here is a mantra, a short one, that I give you. You may imprint it on your hearts and let every breath of yours give expression to it. The mantra is: ‘Do or Die’. We shall either free India or die in the attempt; we shall not live to see the perpetuation of our slavery.”