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Comparison to Non-Cooperation Movement

There were certain aspects in which the Civil Disobedience Movement differed from the Non-Cooperation Movement.

1. The stated objective this time was complete independence and not just remedying two specific wrongs and a vaguely-worded swaraj.

2. The methods involved violation of law from the very beginning and not just non-cooperation with foreign rule.

3. There was a decline in forms of protests involving the intelligentsia, such as lawyers giving up practice, students giving up government schools to join national schools and colleges.

4. Muslim participation was nowhere near that in the Non-Cooperation Movement level.


India is one vast prison-house. I repudiate this law.

M.K. Gandhi to Lord Irwin

Gandhi was the best policeman the British had in India.

Ellen Wilkinson

Dandi March is the ‘kindergarten stage of revolution’. based on the notion that King Emperor can be unseated by boiling sea-water in a kettle.

Brailsford, an English journalist

5. No major labour upsurge coincided with the movement.

6. The massive participation of peasants and business groups compensated for decline of other features.

7. The number of those imprisoned was about three times more this time.

8. The Congress was organisationally stronger.