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Spread of Salt Law Disobedience

Once the way was cleared by Gandhi’s ritual at Dandi, defiance of the salt laws started all over the country. Nehru’s arrest in April 1930 for defiance of the salt law evoked huge demonstrations in Madras, Calcutta and Karachi. Gandhi’s arrest came on May 4, 1930 when he had announced that he would lead a raid on Dharasana Salt Works on the west

coast. Gandhi’s arrest was followed by massive protests in Bombay, Delhi, Calcutta and in Sholapur, where the response was the most fierce. After Gandhi’s arrest, the CWC sanctioned:

non-payment of revenue in ryotwari areas;

no-chowkidara-tax campaign in zamindari areas; and

violation of forest laws in the Central Provinces.


Satyagraha at Different PlacesForms of Mobilisation