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Khilafat-Non-Cooperation Movement

* Three demands—

1. Favourable treaty for Turkey

2. Redressal of Punjab wrongs

3. Establishment of swaraj

* Techniques used

Boycott of government-run schools, colleges, law courts, municipality and government service, foreign cloth, liquor; setting up of national schools, colleges, panchayats and using khadi; second stage to include civil disobedience by non-payment of taxes.

* Nagpur Congress Session (December 1920)—Congress goal changed to attainment of swaraj through peaceful and legitimate means from attainment of self-government through constitutional means.

* Chauri-Chaura Incident (February 5, 1922)—Violence by agitated mob prompted Gandhi to withdraw the movement.

Chapter 17

Emergence of Swarajists, Socialist Ideas, Revolutionary Activities and Other New Forces

Swarajists and No-Changers