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Home Rule League Movement

Manifestation of a trend of aggressive politics in national movement; was pioneered by Tilak and Annie Besant on lines of a similar movement in Ireland.

* Factors Favouring the Movement

1. Need being felt for popular pressure to attain concessions.

2. Disillusionment with Morley-Minto Reforms.

3. Wartime miseries—public ready to protest.

4. Tilak, Besant ready to assume leadership.

* Aim of the Movement To convey to the common man the concept of Home Rule as self-government.

* Tilak’s League—Started in April 1916 and operated in Maharashtra, Karnataka, Central Provinces and Berar; had six branches.

* Besant’s League—Started in September 1916 and operated in rest of India; had 200 branches.

Later, the leagues were joined by others including Moderate Congressmen.

* Methods used Organising discussions, reading rooms, propaganda through public meetings, newspapers, pamphlets, posters, etc.

* Positive Gains Emphasis shifted to the masses permanently; organisational link established between town and country; prepared a generation of ardent nationalists, influenced Moderate-Extremist reunion at Lucknow (1916)

Lucknow Session of INC—1916

Extremists were readmitted to Congress

Muslim League and Congress put up joint demands under Lucknow Pact.

Congress accepted the League’s position on separate electorates.

Importance of Montagu’s Statement Attainment of self- government for Indians became a government policy.