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Movement a Turning Point

Despite its gradual decline into inactivity, the movement was a turning point in modern Indian history.

It proved to be a “leap forward” in more ways than one. Hitherto untouched sections—students, women, workers, some sections of urban and rural population—participated. All the major trends of the national movement, from conservative moderation to political extremism, from revolutionary activities to incipient socialism, from petitions and prayers to passive resistance and non-cooperation, emerged during the Swadeshi Movement.

The richness of the movement was not confined to the political sphere, but encompassed art, literature, science and industry also.

People were aroused from slumber and now they learned to take bold political positions and participate in new forms of political work.

The swadeshi campaign undermined the hegemony of colonial ideas and institutions.

The future struggle was to draw heavily from the experience gained.


Moderate Methods Give Way to Extremist Modes