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Important Mutinies

The most important mutinies which broke out during the pre- 1857 period are the following:

(i) The mutiny of the sepoys in Bengal in 1764.

(ii) The Vellore mutiny of 1806 when the sepoys protested against interference in their social and religious practices and raised a banner of revolt unfurling the flag of the ruler of Mysore.

(iii) The mutiny of the sepoys of the 47th Native Infantry Unit in 1824.

(iv) The revolt of the Grenadier Company in Assam in 1825.

(v) The mutiny of an Indian regiment at Sholapur in 1838.

(vi) The mutinies of the 34th Native Infantry (N.I.), the 22nd N.I., the 66th N.I. and the 37th N.I. in 1844, 1849, 1850 and 1852 respectively.

However, all these mutinies did not spread beyond their locality and were ruthlessly crushed by the British Indian government, often inflicting terrible violence, executing leaders and disbanding the regiments. But the legacy of these revolts proved to be of immense significance later.