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6.5.1. Environmental and Social Challenges

Non local Language: e-Governance applications are written in English language which may not be understandable to many of the people.

Low IT Literacy: Literacy level of India is very low and even among literate, most of the people in India are not aware about the usage of Information Technology.

User friendliness of government websites: Users of e-Governance applications are often non-expert users who may not be able to use the applications in a right manner.

Digital divide: It is the separation that exists between the individuals, communities and businesses that have access to Information Technology and those that do not have such access. People who are living below poverty line cannot afford a computer and internet connection for themselves to take the benefits of the e Government and other on-line services. Digital divide may also be caused by the lack of awareness among the people.

Resistance to Change: The struggle to change phenomenon can explain much of the hesitation that occurs on the part of the constituents in moving from a paper-based to a web-based system to interact with government.