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2.3. Strengthening Public Policy in India

Reduction in fragmentation: This can be achieved by appointing fewer Secretaries. Each of them would handle more than one of the existing sectors. This will result in more coordination and integration in policy making as well as implementation.

Separating policy-making from implementation and decentralizing implementation authority: The implementation responsibilities should be entrusted to Boards and Agencies, headed by a Director-General, in the rank of Joint Secretary or Additional Secretary. While her/his primary responsibility would be implementation, she/he would also provide essential inputs for policy making. Thus, she/he will act as bridge between policy and implementation. While Secretary should concern herself/himself only to policy- making and have no implementation responsibilities.

Improving integration and the flow of knowledge from outside the government: There is need to create structures which ensure the availability to policy-makers of non- Governmental inputs and subject matter expertise. To this end, each Ministry or Department should have a “Policy Advisory Group”. This would consist of:

o Selected top civil servants, covering related sectors.

o Stakeholder/ Industry representatives

o Academics with expertise in the field

These Policy Advisory Groups should cut across departmental viewpoints, and offer integrated policy suggestions. Consultation of the Policy Advisory Group and a consideration of the Group’s views would be mandatory on all policy matters, before a proposal is placed before the Cabinet.