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2.2. Weaknesses in India’s Public Policy Making

Fragmentation in Thinking and action: There is extreme fragmentation in the structure. For example, the transport sector is dealt with by five departments/Ministries in the government of India whereas in the US and UK it is a part of one department. Such fragmentation fails to recognize that actions taken in one sector have serious implications on another and may work at cross purposes with the policies of the other sector.

Sense and Solidarity – Jholawala Economics for everyone

Jean Dreze, in his new book ‘Sense and Solidarity – Jholawala Economics for everyoneterms unintended consequences as one issue. He cities frequent tweaks in MGNREGS as a glaring example. He says in its bid to prevent officials from siphoning off wages, the government started processing payments through banks and post offices. This had the unintended effect of demotivating many local officials from doing any MGNREGS-related work


♤ Overlap between policy making and