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8. Previous Year GS Mains Test Series Questions


1. Self-help group (SHG) bank linkage program portrays it as an effective tool being used in various countries to approach a range of socioeconomic issues. Explore the possible performance and sustainability of this type of program in India?Positive Outcomes of the SHG - Bank Linkage ProgrammeChallenges FacedSuggestions for long term sustainability of SHG-Bank linkage program:-2. Difference between SHGs and Cooperative Societies. Approach:Answer:3. Critically analyse the change in the nature of civil society in India due to the entry of a large number of professional and well-funded NGOs in it. Also discuss the dilemmas and the limits that this development has created for the civil society.Answer:4. Involvement of civil society in the policy-making process makes a democracy more participative in nature. Examine the above statement in the context of India.Answer:5. While difference in opinions exist between the State agencies and the Voluntary Organizations, the State recognizes the need to preserve, protect and nurture an enabling environment for the development of the Voluntary sector. Explain in context of the National Policy on the Voluntary sector.Answer:Partnership in DevelopmentEstablishing an Enabling Environment for the Voluntary SectorEncouraging Self-regulation to ensure transparent and accountable systems of governance and management of VOs.6. Unhealthy competition between Self Help Groups (SHGs) and Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs) reduces the effectiveness of both. Discuss. How can creating a synergy between the two help in addressing development challenges at the sub- district level?Answer:7. Despite their location in the non-political domain of civil society, NGOs have ended up playing a key, if indirect, role in India's politics. Comment.Answer:8. Keeping in mind the importance of NGOs in India's development process it is imperative that adequate legal and regulatory mechanisms should be in place. Discuss in the context of recent developments.Answer:Recent developmentsCase for regulation:Case against regulation: