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1.1. What is Development and Development Process?

A multitude of meanings have been attached to the term development. It is mostly confounded with economic growth. Also, larger meanings such as social development, sustainable development and human development are attributed to it.

Amartya Sen has given the concept of development a new dimension. He views development as a political process. According to Sen, Development consists of the removal of various types of unfreedoms that leave people with little choice and little opportunity of exercising their reasoned agency.

In simple terms, Development is ‘bringing about social change that allows people to achieve their human potential’.

Dimensions of Development

Development as a political process: It is regarded as the something that is done by some agency (state or development organization) for

others. It is called political process as it raises questions about who has the power to do what to whom.

Human Development: Sen has been flag bearer of this approach. He considers economic growth as measure of development a deeply flawed and inadequate approach. He redefined development in terms that include human rights as a constitutive part and all worthwhile processes of social change are simultaneously rights-based and economically grounded. His capability approach focuses on the well being of those at bottom of the society, not on the efficiency of those at the top.

Sustainable Development: “Our Common Future”, also called Brundtland Report defines Sustainable development as development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. To achieve it, UN has established Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) – a wide ranging targets – to be achieved by 2030. The goals and targets are universal, meaning they apply to all countries around the world, not just poor countries. Reaching the goals requires action on all fronts – governments, businesses, civil society and people everywhere all have a role to play.

Economic Development: Economic development is the process by which a nation improves the economic, political, and social well-being of its people. It is different from economic growth in a sense that it involves both quantitative and qualitative change. Also it is process by which low income national economies transform into modern industrial economies.

Social Development: Social development means investing in people. It requires the removal of barriers so that all citizens can journey toward their dreams with confidence and dignity. It is about refusing to accept that people who live in poverty will always be poor. It is about helping people so they can move forward on their path to self-sufficiency. In India context, it becomes very important as social barriers like caste system proves to be fetters to realize one’s potential and enjoy social freedom. Removal of such barrier through state action is important part of social development.