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3.6.4. AgmarkNet

In order to bring the farmers in a better bargaining position and to promote a culture of good agricultural marketing practices in the country, Directorate of Marketing and Inspection (DMI) , Ministry of Agriculture has embarked upon an ICT Project – NICNET based Agricultural Marketing Information System Network (AGMARKNET ) as part of the Central Sector Scheme : “Marketing Research and Information Network”.


◦ To establish a nation-wide information network for speedy collection and dissemination of market information and data for its efficient and timely utilization.

◦ To facilitate collection and dissemination of information related to better price realization by the farmers by facilitating:

▪ Market related information such as market fee, market charges, costs, method of sale, payment, weighment, handling, market functionaries, development programmes, market laws, dispute settlement mechanism, composition of Market Committees, income and expenditure, etc.;

▪ Price-related information such as minimum, maximum and modal prices of varieties and qualities transacted, total arrivals and dispatches with destination, marketing costs and margins, etc.;

▪ Infrastructure related information comprising facilities and services available to the farmers with regard to storage and warehousing, cold storage, direct markets, contract farming, buy-back arrangements, grading, re-handling and repacking etc.;

▪ Promotion related information covering accepted standards and grades, labelling, sanitary and phyto-sanitary requirements, pledge finance, marketing credit and new opportunities available in respect of better marketing;

◦ To sensitize and orient farmers to respond to new challenges in agricultural marketing by using ICT as a vehicle of extension.

◦ To improve efficiency in agricultural marketing through regular training and extension for reaching region-specific farmers in their own language.

◦ To provide assistance for marketing research to generate marketing information for its dissemination to farmers and other marketing functionaries at grass-root level to create an ambience of good marketing practices in the country.

Under the project, 199 market nodes are computerized and are reporting daily prices of commodities reaching these markets noted. The training to the officials of the department has been conducted.