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The technology for manufacturing synthetic fibres has been developed by economically developed countries and therefore, they have monopolised the production of these fibres.

United States of America is an important producer of synthetic fibres. Here this industry is located in eastern Pennsylvania and mid-eastern Atlantic coastal region. Recently it has been developed in Virginia and Tennessee states as they have plenty of water and energy resources, besides the reserves of coal. The major synthetic fibre producing countries in Europe are Germany, United Kingdom, Italy, France, Netherlands, Switzerland and Spain. These countries import the pulp from Norway, Sweden and Finland.

Japan like United States of America is an important producer of synthetic fibre. This industry is concentrated along with the chemical industry in southern Honshu, Kyushu and Shikoku islands. The softwood from the Taiga conical forest belt in Russia is an asset to the synthetic fibre industry. This industry is concentrated in the western and mid-northern parts of Ural

industrial region because this region lies at the meeting point of chemical industry and the conical forest belt.