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3.2.2. Europe

The petro-chemical complexes in Europe are located near the markets where these products are demanded. The major complexes are located on the coasts of Southern North Sea and English Channel. Main centres are Antwerp, Rotterdam, Southampton and the cities located in the lower Sein Valley. The petro-chemical complexes of Germany are located in Ruhr region. The French refineries and petro-chemical complexes are concentrated between Le Havre-Roven and Marseilles including Paris and Lyons. The first petro-chemical complex in former Soviet Union was located at Baku and Grozny because the mineral oil was available from the Caucasian oil fields. New petro - chemical complexes are generally located near the consumption centres. Moscow, Volga, Ural and Soviet Central Asia are the main regions where new petro-chemical complexes have been recently located.