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3.1.3. Asia

In Asia, iron and steel industry has developed in Japan, China and India.

The iron and steel industry in Japan developed in response to the large demand in engineering, and ship-building industry. This demand accounts for the rapid development of iron and steel industry in Japan in spite of the fact that she neither had large Iron ore deposits nor coal reserves. Kyushu island of Japan has very limited coal reserves. Japan imports large quantities of coke, iron ore, pig iron as well as scrap iron. The iron and steel industry has been located in southern Honshu and northern Kyushu Islands.

The history of the development of iron and steel industry in China started in the post revolution period i.e. after 1949, though Japanese had established it at Anshan and Fushan in Manchuria earlier. Besides Manchuria, Shanxi, Shenxi, Hobei and Shandong are the major iron and steel producing provinces.


Fig. 9 World- Iron and Steel industry