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3.1.1. America

The Great Lakes region in United States of America is the leading iron and steel producing region. The good quality coke is available from Pennsylvania. Iron ore is brought from the mines of Lake Superior region. Limestone is obtained from the neighbourhood of Alpena located on the western coast of Lake Huron. Water is available in plenty from the local rivers and lakes for cooling. This part of United States is densely populated which ensures large supply of labour. The high density of population and development of iron and steel based industries have created large market in this region. Pittsburgh and Youngtown to the east of the Great Lakes and Chicago and Gary to its west are the major centres of iron and steel industries.

There is a great demand for iron and steel in the industrial complexes of Detroit, Toledo and Cleveland as well as the rail industry of Chicago. The demand for iron ore is high in the industries located on the coasts of Lake Erie. It is met from the mines of Lake Superior region and the Labrador mines. They are brought by ships through St. Lawrence Seaway.

Iron and steel Industry has also developed in the Atlantic coastal region. Iron ore is imported from Venezuela, Labrador and Chile as the coast location has facilitated the oceanic transport. Alabama is the third important Iron and steel producing region. Birmingham is the most important iron and steel centre of this region.

The iron and steel industry in South America is located in Colombia, Venezuela and Brazil. In Colombia, coal is available from Tunza district located north of Bogota, iron ore and limestone is available locally and hydro-electric power is obtained from Toba Lake. In Venezuela, the iron and steel industry is based on the iron ore from El Pao, Serra Bolivar and Dagiana Hills, coal and limestone from Nankol and hydroelectric power from Caroni river. The iron and steel industry in Brazil developed after the Second World War. The main steel plants in Brazil are located are located at Volta Redona, Montevarde and Santos. Chile is also an important steel producing country of South America.