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1.4.3. Ozone Depletion

The release of chemical compounds such as Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) from earth into the atmosphere poses a serious threat to ozone layer. CFCs are synthetic industrial chemical compounds containing chlorine, fluorine, and carbon atoms. CFCs are widely used as cooling fluids in the refrigerating systems. CFCs when released in air are transported by the vertical atmospheric circulation and reach the ozone layer in the stratosphere. The CFCs absorb the ultra-violet radiation and decompose to chlorine oxide molecules and can convert the ozone into ordinary oxygen molecules. A study of the ozone layer based on data provided by the satellites, showed a substantial decline in the total ozone gas. The scientists have discovered a hole in the ozone layer over the continent of Antarctica. CFCs are transported to Antarctica region by atmospheric wind systems. Here, CFCs get trapped in the Antarctica cold air by polar vortex1 and deplete ozone layer.