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(a) – Andaman and Nicobar Islands (b) Lakshadweep Islands

Figure 15 – Island groups of India

3.6.2. Lakshadweep Islands

Lakshadweep Islands are situated in the Arabian Sea, at a distance of 280-480km off the coast of Kerala. These are scattered between 8°N-12°N and 71°E -74°E (Figure 15b). All these islands are of coral origin. They have been built up by corals. Only 11 out of 36 islands are inhabited. The largest island among these, the Minicoy, has an area of 4.5 square km only. The entire group of islands is broadly divided by the Eleventh degree channel, north of which is the Amini Island and to the south of the Canannore Island. Landform features are storm beaches consisting of unconsolidated pebbles, shingles, cobbles and boulders.

In overall, it would be clear that each region complements the other and makes the country richer in its natural resources. The northern mountains are the major sources of water and forest wealth. The northern plains are the granaries of the country. They provide the base for early civilisations. The plateau is a storehouse of minerals, which has played a crucial role in the industrialisation of the country. The coastal region and island groups provide sites for fishing and port activities.