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17. The Wipro Group

The doyen of sunrise industries in the country, the group functions in the areas of software development and export including the production of computer peripherals. This is one of the leading companies in the areas of business process outsourcing (BPO) and is also seriously involved in social work. This company is amongst the top names in the software around the world.

conservation-supporting, and environmentally-educated. The tourist industry and governments, however, focus more on the product aspect, treating eco-tourism as equivalent to any sort of tourism based in nature. As a further complication, many terms are used under the rubric of eco-tourism, and others have been used in literature and marketing. Although they are not necessary synonymous with eco-tourism.

The problems associated with defining eco-tourism have led to confusion among tourists and academics alike. Definitional problems are also subject of considerable public controversy, a trend towards the commercialisation of tourism schemes disguised as sustainable, nature-based, and environmentally-friendly eco-tourism. According to McLaren, these schemes are environmentally destructive, economically exploitative, and culturally insensitive at its worst. They are also morally disconcerting because they mislead tourists and manipulate their concerns for the environment. The development and success of such large scale, energy intensive and ecologically unsustainable schemes are a testament to the tremendous profits associated with being labelled as eco-tourism.