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Causes of Floods

The main factors responsible for the occurrence of floods are: (i) Meteorological, (ii) Geomorphic, and (iii) Anthropogenic.

Meteorological factors include heavy rainfall, snowfall due to tropical cyclones, and cloud burst. Most of the floods in India are the result of heavy precipitation, especillay during the season of south-west Monsoon.

Geomorphic. factors like the large catchment area of a river, gentle slope and the low gradient of river course, and poor drainage also lead to floods in the Northern Plains and Coastal Plains of India. The Jodhpur Banner, and Bikaner Hood in July 2006 mainly occurred due to cloud burst and poor drainage in the region.

The Anthropogenic causes including deforestation, encroachment for agriculture into pastures and forest areas, shifting cultivation, unscientific rotation of crops, bursting of dams and embankments, urbanisation, and construction of houses in the river beds are also responsible for a number of floods in the country. Thejuly 2005 flood in Mumbai was mainly due to the construction of houses and structures in the bed of the Methi River.