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Drought Prone Area Programme (DPAP)

The drought prone area programme which covers 61,5 blocks, spread over ninety districts in the western, central and southern parts of the country, is an integrated area development programme in agricultural sector. The main objectives of the Drought Prone Area Programme are:

(i) to make judicious and scientific utilisation of agricultural land, water and livestock resources,

(ii) to enhance and stabilise the income of the people of drought prone areas, particularly of the weaker section of society, and

(iii) restoration of ecological balance.

Some of the important elements of the programme include:

(a) Integrated watershed management and management of water resources.

(b) Soil and moisture conservation measures.

(c) Afforestation with special emphasis on social and agro-forestry.

(d i Development of pasture lands and forest range management in conjunction with development of sheep husbandry.

(e) Livestock development and dairy development.

(1) Restructuring of cropping patterns and changes in agronomic practices.

(g) Adoption of scientific rotation of crops with an emphasis on the leguminous (pulses) crops.

(h) Development of subsidiary occupations.

(i) Water harvesting.

(j) Development of minor irrigation projects.

(k) Construction of underground canals and lined canals.

(1) Desalination of sea-water for irrigation and domestic use.

(m) Diversification of agriculture.

(n) Development of cottage and household industries.

(o) Development of alternate sources of energy (solar, wind and biogas) for domestic and industrial purposes.

(p) More research is required to increase agricultural productivity in the dry farming regions.

These steps, il taken together, can go a long way in minimising the miseries of people living in the drought prone areas of the county.

Some of the important achievements of the Drought Prone Area Programme include the Indira Gandhi Canal Project, Sardar Sarovar Project (Narmada), and the Central Arid Research Institute, Jodhpur to promote drought resistant plants, trees and crops.