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Duties of Waste generator

Every waste generator shall segregate and store the waste generated by them in three separate streams namely biodegradable, non-bio-degradable and domestic hazardous wastes in suitable bins and handover segregated wastes to authorized rag-pickers or waste collectors

Event organizer of more than 100 persons shall intimate the local authority, at least three working days in advance. Such person or the organizer of such event shall ensure segregation of waste at source and handing over of segregated waste to waste collector or agency as specified by local authority.

All Resident Welfare and Market Associations, Gated communities and institution with an area >5,000 sq m and all hotels and restaurant shall, withinone year from the date of notification of these rules and in partnership with the local authority by the generators as prescribed in these rules, ensure segregation of waste at source, facilitate collection of segregated waste in separate streams, handover recyclable material to either the authorized waste pickers or the authorized recyclers. The biodegradable waste shall be processed, treated and disposed of through composting or bio-methanation within the premises as far as possible. The residual waste shall be given to the waste collectors or agency as directed by the local authority.

The developers of Special Economic Zone, Industrial Estate, Industrial park to earmark at least 5% of the total area of the plot or minimum 5 plots/ sheds for recovery and recycling facility.