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1. Integrated Energy Policy

India has in place a detailed policy, regulatory, and legislative structure that relates strongly to GHG mitigation: The Integrated Energy Policy was adopted in 2006.

Some of its key provisions are:

Promotion of energy efficiency in all sectors

Emphasis on mass transport

Emphasis on renewables including biofuels plantations

Accelerated development of nuclear and hydropower for clean energy

Focused R&D on several clean energy related technologies

2. The Rural Electrification Policy, 2006

It promotes renewable energy technologies where grid connectivity is not possible or cost-effective. The New and Renewable Energy Policy, 2005, promotes utilization of sustainable, renewable energy sources, and accelerated deployment of renewables through indigenous design, development and manufacture.

The National Environment Policy, 2006, and the Notification on Environment Impact Assessment (EIA), 2006, reform India’s environmental assessment regime. A number of economic activities are required to prepare environment impact assessments, and environment management plans, which are appraised by regulatory authorities prior to start of construction. The EIA provisions strongly promote environmental sustainability

Several other provisions

It relates to reforming energy markets to ensure that energy markets are competitive, and energy prices reflect true resource costs. These include: Electricity Act 2005, Tariff Policy 2003, Petroleum & Natural Gas Regulatory Board Act, 2006, etc.

The provisions taken together are designed to:

Remove entry barriers and raise competition in exploration, extraction, conversion, transmission and distribution of primary and secondary energy

Accomplish price reform, through full competition at point of sale

Promote tax reform to promote optimal fuel choices

Augment and diversify energy options, sources and energy infrastructure

Provide feed-in tariffs for renewables (solar, wind, biomass cogeneration)

Strengthen, and where applicable, introduce independent regulation

Do you know?

Rajiv Gandhi Environment Award for Clean Technology is given to industrial units that make a significant contribution towards the development of new or the innovative modification of existing, technologies or adoption and use of clean technologies and practices that substantially reduce or prevent environmental pollution.