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22.4.9. National Bio-Energy Mission

According to estimates, biomass from agro and agroindustrial residue can potentially generate 25,000 MW of power in India. This can be further raised with wasteland-based integrated energy plantation and power generation systems.

Bio Energy

“Bioenergy is renewable energy derived from biological sources, to be used for heat, electricity, or vehicle fuel. Biofuels derived from plant materials is among the most rapidly growing renewable energy technologies.”

Sources of Bio - Energy

Existing Sources

Leftover organic residue

Leftover farm organic residue

Leftover forest residue

Leftover organic urban residue

Algal residue

New Sources

Cultivation of short rotation energy crops

Social forestry

Advantages of Bio - Energy

Capital efficient

High energy generation potential

Significant carbon emission reduction potential

Substantial employment and income generation potential

Investments & benefits remain within the country

Sizable economic value add to GDP

Wasteland regeneration

Do you know?

India is highly vulnerable to climate change due to a combination of; (i) high levels of poverty, (ii) population density, (iii) high reliance on natural resources, and (iv) an environment already under stress (for instance water resources).