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16.2.6. Elephant - 8 Ministerial Meeting

The E-8 ministerial meeting represented regions with all 3 species of elephants, viz.,

l. Elephas maximus (Asian elephant)

2. Loxodonta africana (African Bush Elephant)

3. Loxodonta cyclotis (African Forest Elephant)

The participants included policy makers, conservationist, scientists, historians, art and culture experts among the participating countries.

Discussions covered a wide range of issues categorised under three basic themes.

1. Science and conservation

2. Management and conservation

3. Cultural and Ethical perspectives of conservation

The E-8 countries besides resolving to take necessary steps in the direction of elephant conservation also decided to actively pursue a common Agenda to ensure a long term welfare and survival of all species of elephants in all range countries.

To realise this global goal, the meeting has called upon all range countries to join hands under

the umbrella of elephant-50:50 forum. It is the shared vision of 50 states to promote conservation, management and welfare of elephants in the next 50 years.