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13.7.6. Other characters

Phenology - Science that deals with the time of appearance of characteristic periodic events such as leaf shedding etc.

Etiolation - With the absence of adequate light, plants become pale yellow and have long thin internodes.

Autumn tints - in some trees, leaves undergo a striking change in colour before falling from the tree.

Ex: Mango, Cassia fistula, Quercus incana

Taper - the decrease in diametre of the stem of a tree from the base upwards. i.e., the stem is thicker at the base and thinner in the upper portion of the tree.

Tapering occurs due to the pressure of the wind which is centred in the lower one third of the crown and is conveyed to the lower parts of the stem, increasing with increasing length. To counteract this pressure, which may snap the tree at the base, the tree reinforces itself towards the base.

They are generally associated with the absence of long taproot system due to either shallow soil are badly aerated and infertile subsoil.

Bamboo gregarious flowering - general flowering over the considerable area of all (or) most of the individuals of certain species, that do not flower annually. Generally followed by death of a plant.

Sal Tree grows in variety of geological formations but completely absent in Deccan trap where its place is taken by teak.

Sandal tree is a partial-root parasite. The seedlings of this species grow independently in the beginning but in few months develop haustorial connections with the roots of some shrub and later with some tree species growing in the vicinity. Sandle tree manufactures its own food but depends upon the host like other partial parasites for water and mineral nutrients.

Aerial seeding is the process of dispersing the seed aerially. In India, aerial seeding has been done on experiment basis in Chambal ravines in UP, Rajasthan, West Bengal and Western Ghats of Maharashtra. The research carried out during 1982 shows that the survival percentage was 97.3 and 2.7 for Prosopis juliflora and Acacia nilotica respectively. The survey indicated that 25% of the area has not responded for aerial seeding at all.