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1. Herb is defined as a plant whose stem is always green and tender with height of not more than 1 meter.

2. Shrub is defined as a woody perennial plant differing from a perennial herb in its persistent and woody stem. It differs from a tree in its low stature and its habit of branching from the base. Not more than 6 meters in height.

3. Tree is defined as a large woody perennial plant having a single well defined stem with more or less definite crown.

4. Parasites - An organism that draws a part or whole of its nourishment from another living organism. These plants do not draw moisture and mineral nutrients from the soil. They grow on some living plant called host and penetrate their sucking roots, called haustoria, into the host plants.

Total parasite - draws whole of its nourishment

Partial parasite - draws a part of its nourishment

5 Epiphytes - plant growing on the host plant but not nourished by the host plant. They do not draw food from the host plant. They only take the help of the host plant in getting access to light. Their roots perform two functions. While changing roots establish the plant on the branches of the host plant, aerial roots draw moisture from the air. Eg. Vanda

6. Climbers - herbaceous or woody plant that climbs up trees or other support by twining round them or by holding on to them by trendrills, hooks, aerial roots or other attachments.

Do you know?

Bats are MAMMALS. They are warm blooded, nurse their babies with milk and have fur. Bats are only mammals that can fly (without an airplane!)