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8. Angiosperms:

Angiosperms (angeion=a case) are the closed-seeded plants.

These are the most highly developed plants which bear flowers having conspicuous accessory and essential

whorls. Carpels have the ovary, style and stigma.

With the stimulus of fertilization the ovary usually develops into the fruit and the ovules into seeds. Thus the seeds remain within the fruits.

Do you know?

The name ‘white rhinoceros’ is taken from the Afrikaans word describing its mouth: “weit”, meaning “wide”. Early English settlers in South Africa misinterpreted the “weit” for “white”.

White rhinos are also sometimes called ‘the squarelipped rhinoceros’. Their upper lip lacks the prehensile ‘hook’ of some of the other rhino species. The white rhino is the largest species of land mammal after the elephant.

The genetic resources of farm animals in India are represented by a broad spectrum of native breeds of cattle, buffaloes, goats, sheep, swine, equines, camel and poultry.

Over the years, animal husbandry has intensified in India with widespread introduction of exotic breeds. This has led to the reduction in total genetic variability and population size of many local breeds. The majority (85%) of the domestic livestock in India is reared under low input production systems.