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Health Impacts

Every antenna on cell phone tower radiates electro-magnetic power. One cell phone tower is being used by a number of operators, more the number of antennas more is the power intensity in the nearby area. The power level near towers is higher and reduces as we move away.

How the cell phone tower’s radiation affects the birds and bees?

The surface area of bird is relatively larger than their body weight in comparison to human body so they absorb more radiation.

Also the fluid content in the body of the bird is less due to small body weight so it gets heated up very fast.

Magnetic field from the towers disturbs birds’ navigation skills hence when birds are exposed to EMR they disorient and begin to fly in all directions.

A large number of birds die each year from collisions with telecommunication masts.

How the cell phone tower’s radiation affects human?

EMR may cause cellular and psychological changes in human beings due to thermal effects that are generated due to absorption of microwave radiation.

The exposure can lead to genetic defects, effects on reproduction and development, Central Nervous System behaviour etc.

EMR can also cause non thermal effects which are caused by radio frequency fields at levels too low to produce significant heating and are due to movement of calcium and other ions across cell membranes.

Such exposure is known to be responsible for fatigue, nausea, irritability, headaches, loss of appetite and other psychological disorders.

The current exposure safety standards are purely based on the thermal effects considering few evidences from exposure to non thermal effects.