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1. The most viable alternative is ‘manufactured sand’. It is produced in a stone crushing plant. M-sand is produced from stones which is used for aggregates, and the quality is consistent and even better than river sand. M-sand is relatively cheaper too.

2. Use of fly ash from industries as alternative should be promoted for construction purposes.

3. The government should exercise prudence when it comes to leasing out the riverbed for mining activities and also demarcate areas clearly and monitor mining through a suitable institutional mechanism.

4. Periodic assessment of how much sand can be sustainably mined, as the quantity can vary from a river to river and within a river from stretch to stretch has to be done.

5. The use of intrusive techniques such as the use of explosives and heavy excavator machines in sand mining are largely destructive.

6. In the mountain areas especially sand mining should be carried out manually and sustainably.

7. A high level lobbying committee must be formed and Laws has to be enforced in an efficient and unbiased way and decisive steps are to be taken for environmental solution.