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The following are the functions of the Central Zoo Authority as specified in the Act:

1. To specify the minimum standards for housing, upkeep and veterinary care of animals kept in a zoo

2. To evaluate and assess the functioning of zoos with respect to the standards or the norms as are prescribed

3. To recognize and derecognize zoos

4. To identify endangered species of wild animals for purposes of captive breeding and assigning responsibility in this regard to a zoo

5. To co-ordinate the acquisition, exchange and loaning of animals for breeding purposes

6. To ensure maintenance of stud-books of endangered species of wild animals bred in captivity

7. To identify priorities and themes with regard to display of captive animals in a zoo

8. To co-ordinate training of zoo personnel in India and abroad

9. To co-ordinate research in captive breeding and educational programs for the purposes of zoos

10. To provide technical and other assistance to zoos for their proper management and development on scientific lines

11. To perform such other functions as may be necessary to carry out the purposes of this Act with regard to zoos