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Salient features

1. Manufacturer, dealer, refurbisher and Producer Responsibility Organization (PRO) have been introduced as additional stake holders in the rules.

2. The applicability of the rules has been extended to components, consumables, spares and parts of EEE in addition to equipment as listed in Schedule I.

3. Compact Fluorescent Lamp (CFL) and other mercury containing lamp brought under the purview of rules.

4. Collection mechanism based approach has been adopted to include collection centre, collection point, take back system etc for collection of e-waste by Producers under Extended Producer Responsibility(EPR).

5. Option has been given for setting up of PRO, e-waste exchange, e- retailer, Deposit Refund Scheme as additional channel for implementation of EPR by Producers to ensure efficient channelization of e-waste.

6. Provision for Pan India EPR Authroization by CPCB has been introduced replacing the state wise EPR authorization.

7. Collection and channelisation of e-waste in Extended Producer Responsibility - Authorisation shall be in line with the targets prescribed in Schedule III of the Rules. The phase wise Collection Target for e-waste, which can be either in number or Weight shall be 30% of the quantity of waste generation as indicated in EPR Plan during first two year of implementation of rules followed by 40%during third and fourth years, 50% during fifth and sixth years and 70% during seventh year onwards.

8. Deposit Refund Scheme has been introduced as an additional economic instrument wherein the producer charges an additional amount as a deposit at the time of sale of the electrical and electronic equipment and returns it to the consumer along with interest when the end-of life electrical and electronic equipment is returned.

9. The e-waste exchange as an option has been provided in the rules as an independent market instrument offering assistance or independent electronic systems offering services for sale and purchase of e-waste generated from end-of-life electrical and electronic equipment between agencies or organizations authorised under these rules.

10. The manufacturer is also now responsible to collect e-waste generated during the manufacture of any electrical and electronic equipment and channelise it for recycling or disposal and seek authorization from SPCB.

11. The dealer, if has been given the responsibility of collection on behalf of the producer, need to collect the e-waste by providing the consumer a box and channelize it to Producer.

12. Dealer or retailer or e-retailer shall refund the amount as per take back system or Deposit Refund Scheme of the producer to the depositor of e-waste.

13. Refurbisher need collect e-waste generated during the process of refurbishing and channelise the waste to authorised dismantler or recycler through its collection centre and seek one time authorization from SPCB.

14. The roles of the State Government has been also introduced in the Rules in order to ensure safety, health and skill development of the workers involved in the dismantling and recycling operations.

15. The transportation of e-waste shall be carried out as per the manifest system whereby the transporter shall be required to carry a document (three copies) prepared by the sender, giving the details.

16. Liability for damages caused to the environment or third party due to improper management of e-waste including provision for levying financial penalty for violation of provisions of the Rules has also been introduced.

17. Urban Local Bodies (Municipal Committee/Council/ Corporation) has been assign the duty to collect and channelized the orphan products to authorized disman-tler or recycler.