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2. Agriculture Subsidies

An agriculture subsidy is a governmental financial support paid to farmers and agribusinesses to supplement their income, manage the supply of agricultural commodities, and influence the cost and supply of such commodities.

Agriculture subsidies act as an incentive to promote agricultural development and as an instrument of stimulating agricultural production and attaining self-sufficiency. In order to attain the goal of self-sufficiency in food, government adopts short term policies such as support prices of products and input subsidy to stimulate the products to increase the food production. It is expected that subsidies contribute to better cropping pattern, employment and income of the beneficiaries.

But in most development programmes, subsidies are one among the many developmental inputs being provided. Thus the observable changes in cropping pattern, employment level and overall incomes are because of the joint effect of all the efforts going on. Therefore, these changes cannot be attributed solely to subsidies.


2.1. Types of Agriculture Subsidies in India2.1.1. Explicit Input Subsidies2.1.2. Implicit Input Subsidies2.1.3. Output Subsidies2.1.4. Food Subsidies2.2. Agriculture Subsidies on the basis of Mode of Payment2.2.1. Direct SubsidiesAssessment of Direct Subsidies MeritsDemerits2.2.2. Indirect SubsidiesAssessment of Indirect Subsidies MeritsDemerits2.3. Issues related to Agriculture Subsidies and their Possible Resolution2.4. Agriculture Subsidies and WTO2.4.1. Historical BackgroundA. Uruguay Round, 1995a) 2013 Bali Ministerial Conference:b) 2015 Nairobi Package:2.4.2. Indian Agriculture Subsidies and WTOThe agreement is heavily loaded in favour of developed countries due to following reasons: