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3.1. Irrigation System Based on Source

Depending on the way irrigation water is conveyed to the head or upstream point of a field, irrigation system can be categorized as following:


3.1.1. Tank IrrigationAreas where Tank Irrigation is PrevalentTank irrigation is popular in the peninsular plateau area mainly because of following reasons:Merits of Tank IrrigationDemerits of Tank Irrigation3.1.2. Wells and Tube WellsWellsAreas of Well IrrigationTube WellsMajor Areas under Tube WellsMerits of Well and Tube Well IrrigationDemerits of Well and Tube Well Irrigation3.1.3. Canal IrrigationCanals in India are of two types:Areas where Canal Irrigation is PrevalentMerits of Canal IrrigationDemerits of Canal Irrigation